Padmavati The film story is like that: Rajput Rani is powerful character in the movie. A Turkish Sultan once lived in delhi named Alauddin Khilji as the movie says in 1303. This /Sultan will attack Delhi in the movie, and that is because he loved Padmini, Padmini played by Debika badoko
Rani Padmini as the story says was the wife of Rana Ratan Singh, the wife will kill herself with other women so to keep self pride as the movie says.
The movie made lots of conraversal some says the story is fake and some say its true.
This film is kinda action, drama, started to shoot in 2016, and only now finished.
Played by deepika padukon and Ranveer Singh.
The movie is not well liked in India as they say it does not reflect the real story and many tied to ban the movie and announced kill the actress and win a prize.
sanjay bhansali recorded songs for the movie and the music and dances are traditional folk dances
Padmavati movie is rated 3/10
Mughal Road movie review new film
director is Muhammad Ali
played by arjun rampal
the story of the film
young man, Meer Sherwani turns a battle upside down for the sake of the army.
The story is action purely
Mughal Road movie review you will not see rating yet as the movie still not published
Hichki movie review
played by rani, the movie is about a woman who struggle in life and face the fear to become a powerful women. Not much event in the movie, though it can be better movie.
hichki is average movie for the actress Rani.
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