to earn money

start by looking for the high and needed topics and why is that?

because the higher need topic comes with high ads payment, so you eanr more not extra views only 

so here high niches with high cpm in youtube today

1- E-commerce

2- Stock Market

3- lawyer

4- Mortgage

5- Credit

6- Software

7- Insurance

8- Fitness

9- Makeup

10- Make money

to undestand how to find them, keep readng this article plz

however, make sure you are not doint youtube ojly for the money to make or so, make it for fun and to make ppl help their life

elt see

why does cpm vary so much in differnt videos ?

whe u create video you as partner in yotube, your video is avialabe for all the ppla dn for the companies toplay ads.

advertiser has to pay some money to youtubers who have someon watches the video with ads on it or even clicks on it.

the amount they pay is determined by the amount of competition, that likes to show their ads on their video

here is a list top list you can say for the high competitive market now:

Health videos

Makeup videos

Finanacial videos

relationship and dating video

technology and new mobile and more

that market is very big and you can find any area to express

Do i need to change my ch. to suit one of these above topic?

No you dont need to change anything, just start writing about them, you can make list for each of these topics and collect in one playlist will be super good for the interested reader

if your objective is making money on youtube to live fromit, it may be good to write lots of topics and daily.

How to increase your youtube earning?

there are many ways but most good ones are:

affiliate marketing

creating your own products and sell them on the youtube and other channels

earn money with affiliate marketing step by step:

get cheap products from china for example, or get paid apps and review them honestly and mentions the price, these may leas to sell for you or the app owners so you get percent from that money.

but your review should be fai and unbias since ppl are not fool and if they felt you are lying they will dislike your video and never bk to your video

for that you can create affiliate link from the app ownder website and earn 2 or 10 percent from the selling products. and be sure you grow with the brand, as all the brands in teh world have affiliate program you can benifit from.

visit the pages of the brands, and look in header for the affiliate program link and talk to them by email or live chat or so.

earn money with your products like handmade things:

build a real online business by doing your own products, the best thing is not complicated trading, create your digital product or service and sell, you only need to get for the audience. and many ways to do that:

create online course, that is really popular methods to make money with youtube. you good at something then make ppl pay money to see it or learn it. for example teach ppl how to do diy art, or how to pain tutorials, or how to create instagram accounts.

there is normal number of views that you can expect to see in your youtube, like 1000

I started for health products: know that this titile is too broad, it covers many tings like fitness, weight loss, body fat burning, yoga , vallyi, physiotherapy and more. so you have lots of things to write bout, even if you write about healthy tips to do prevent disease or healthy food recipes all are under health topics and get you same ads as other topics, even some type of sports you can added for health topics and list it with health titles.

lowest earning videos are:

movie review

sports incidents

accidtnets and thsese news


fashion reviews

street food reviews and prep

diy projects and crafts to make at home

homemade options

How To Reach 4000 Hours Watch time FAST (2021 METHOD)


How To Reach 4000 hours watch time FAST,

you dont need to learn How to start a youtube channel and get the 1000 subs fast but the 4000 hrs you need to get the monetization approved are little tricky to get

How much should u pay to get 1,000 subscribers and finish the 4,000 watch hours? for my YouTube channel? Nothing to pay

1.purchasing subscribers, means that your videos will do bad because the subs that u purchased will NOT watch your ch.

2. no matter how good your videos , subs you paid for aren’t active subscribers so you will not get views.
3. u get a poor video, thats due to, these subscribers aren’t clicking to watch your videos and YouTubes algorithm is smart and will know and think that this video must be poor quality

last but not the least having the 1000 subscribers is difficult but not impossible really therea re thousands of people did it and they didnt pay a cent for it So, what do you need? 1. good topic to do video about- Learn the YouTube SEO, search your keywords, do post daily -Look at your analytics daily, Experiment - Learn some video editing and have some free software to do taht - learn about that thumbnails are important and engagement

Let us share together and talk bout

What’s been working for you in your youtube journy What has helped your video to grow the fastest? learn, teach, and help each other grow in here in youtube

This small lesson on how you get monetized on YouTube fast means, in 3 months, or so. If you've been struggling to get your 1,000 subscribers or if you didnt get yet the 4,000 hours of watch time on YouTube this post will help you speed up the process for sure. Tricks to Complete 4000 hours Watch time fast Youtube Channel Monetization In this video you will see How to get 1000 subscribers in few months for Monetization 1000 Subscribers and 4000 WatchTime | Promote Your Youtube Channel Free

also blogging can get you money by using google blog spot

Along withthese reasons why people do blog and also do vlog, there are pros for this desire. Before you start into blogspot
think about why you are starting your the blog really not hard work. Running a blog is a piece of cake. It's not a solution to make cash though will be long time before you do. There's no fixed income sometomes you will get 1000 dollar and sometimes a hlf dollar Blogging is a nota lonely pursuit its big world of income. The blogging landscape do not changes. nice to be in the social media to impact your blogs


good luck to you and plz comment any thing that can help

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